Setting Sun
Black Japanese Lager
All Grain Recipe Kit
Setting Sun Black Japanese Lager dances on the edge of darkness. With a sleek ebony hue, this beer offers a balanced symphony of roasted malt flavors and a hint of hops. Immerse yourself in a velvety smooth texture and a crisp, clean finish.
4.9% / 10.9 °P
This recipe includes 4.75kg Grain, 50g Hops & 1 packets of Yeast.
Additional items such as Whirlfloc, Yeast Nutrients & Water chemistry Adjustments can be purchased separately
Brewfather Link: Setting Sun Black Japanese Lager Recipe
70% efficiency
Batch Volume: 23 L
Boil Time: 60 min
Mash Water: 16.39 L
Sparge Water: 15.43 L
Total Water: 31.8 L
Boil Volume: 28 L
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.039
Original Gravity: 1.044
Final Gravity: 1.007
IBU (Rager): 24
BU/GU: 0.55
Color: 51 EBC
3kg (61.2%) Pilsner Malt Grain 3.8 EBC
1kg (20.4%) Flaked Rice Grain 2 EBC
500g (10.2%) Munich II Grain 23 EBC
175g (3.6%) Eclipse Wheat Grain 1475 EBC
100 g (2%) Voyager Craft Malt CHOCOLATE 800 EBC
Beta amylase rest 62 °C — 30 min
Alpha amylase rest 71 °C — 30 min
Mash Out 76 °C — 10 min
Other 150g
150g (3.1%) Rice Hulls - Adjunct 0 EBC
Hops 15g
15 g (24 IBU) Hallertau Magnum 12.5% Boil 60 min
0.22 g Servomyces Boil 10 min
0.5 items Whirlfloc Boil 5 min
1pkt Lallemand (LalBrew) NovaLager 84%
Primary 15 °C - 6 days
Primary 19 °C - 2 days
Carbonation: 2.7 CO2-vol
Water Profile
Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ Cl- SO42- HCO3-