SafSpirit M-1 Whiskey Yeast 20g
The most famous & almost inevitable strain for producing Scotch & Single Malt Whiskies.
Produces great congeners, suitable for the aging of the whiskies in barrels. Good alcohol resistance (over 15% v/v). Very good attenuation due to the assimilation of complex sugars, making it the best option for whiskies produced from malt, when enzyme additions are not allowed. Good choice for continuous fermentation. Despite its popularity in Scotland, it is suitable for producing all kind of whiskies or distilled grain (raw or malted) beverages that will be aged in barrels.
Hygienically re-packaged into Mylar sealed Cryovac foils.
Each pack is enough for a 25L wash.
FERMENTATION TEMPERATURE: 20 – 32°C. This yeast may ferment at lower temperatures with slower kinetics. At higher temperatures, this yeast may ferment with lower alcohol yields.
① Rehydrate the yeast in 10 times its volume of water or wort at 25°C – 35 °C
② Leave to rest for 15 minutes
③ Gently stir
④ Pitch in the fermenter
A good yeast nutrient such as Lallemand Fermaid AT is recommended with this yeast.