Easy Peasy Hazy Pale Ale
All Grain Recipe Kit
A delicious easy drinking Hazy Pale Ale. Low on bitterness bursting with Tropical & Citrus hop flavour. A great summer smasher.
4.2% / 10.1°P
This recipe includes 4.5kg Grain, 200g Hops & 1 packet of yeast.
Additional items such as Whirlfloc, Yeast Nutrients & Water chemistry Adjustments can be purchased separately by clicking on their Link.
Brewfather Recipe Link: Easy peasy hazy pale ale
70% efficiency
Batch Volume: 23 L
Boil Time: 60 min
Mash Water: 15.65 L
Sparge Water: 15.95 L
Total Water: 31.6 L
Boil Volume: 28 L
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.036
Original Gravity: 1.041
Final Gravity: 1.009
IBU (Rager): 18
BU/GU: 0.45
Colour: 6.9 EBC
Malts 4.5kg
2kg (43%) Ale Malt Grain 4.9 EBC
1kg (21.5%) Pilsner Malt Grain 3.8 EBC
500g (10.8%) Flaked Wheat Grain 3.2 EBC
500g (10.8%) Malted Oats Grain 4 EBC
500g (10.8%) Flaked Oats Grain 5.5 EBC
Other 150g
150g (2.8%) Rice Hulls - Adjunct - 0 EBC
Temperature 67 °C - 60 min
Hops 200g
5g (10 IBU) El Dorado 14.6% Boil 60 min
25g (5 IBU) Citra 12.6% Aroma 15 min hopstand @ 88 °C
20g (4 IBU) El Dorado 14.6% Aroma 15 min hopstand @ 88 °C
75g Citra 12.6% Dry Hop 5 days
75g El Dorado 14.6% Dry Hop 5 days
Hopstand at 88 °C
0.22g Servomyces Boil 10 min
1pkt Lallemand (LalBrew) Pomona 80%
Primary 19 °C - 5 days
Primary 20 °C - 1 days
Primary 21 °C - 4 days
Carbonation: 2.4 CO2-vol
Water Profile
Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ Cl- SO42- HCO3
61 5 8 83 56 18