Belgian Wit-Style Ale Yeast
Lallemand LalBrew
A relatively neutral strain which can be used to produce a wide variety of wheat beer styles. Ester & phenol production is lower than for traditional hefeweizen strains such as Munich Classic or Safale WB-06.
Wit provides a baseline profile of Banana & Spice aromas but leaves space for the brewer to showcase other spice additions typical of Belgian style beers.
Aroma & flavour are somewhat Fruity with notes of Banana & slight Clove. You can expect a vigorous fermentation that can be completed in just 4 days and the best part is that the beer is drinkable as soon as it is carbonated.
BEERS TO BREW: Belgian Witbier*, American Wheat, Berliner Weiss, Gose, Hefeweizen, Dunkelweis, and Weizenbock.
* Ferment on the cooler side of the temperature scale.
INGREDIENTS: Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), emulsifier E491.
FERMENTATION: Ideally at 17-22°C (63-72°F).
PITCHING: 11g per 20 L to achieve a minimum of 2.5 - 5 million cells/mL
ATTENUATION: Medium to High.
STORAGE: Store in the fridge below 10°C
SHELF LIFE: Opened packs must be stored in dry conditions below 4°C, & used within 3 days. If the opened package is re-vacuum sealed immediately it can be stored for up to two weeks below 4°C
TYPICAL ANALYSIS:Percent solids 93% - 97%
Living Yeast Cells ≥ 5 x 10^9 per gram of dry yeast
Wild Yeast < 1 per 10^6 yeast cells
Bacteria < 1 per 10^6 yeast cells
Pathogenic micro-organisms: in accordance with regulation